Friday, May 12, 2006

why isn't anyone posting?

Why isn't anyone posting?

I guess no one is reading this book.

ok so.....I recently rented the movie, ad it was very different.

Like...a lot. They cut a lot of stuff out.

They totally cut out a lot of Hatsumomo's affair, and the whole "here's money...go run away...chiyo stole my emerald brooch! "

Then they totally changedHow sayuri found out about hatsumomo spreading rumors... then they changed how mother ecided she was going to adopt sayuri instead of pumpkin.

They totally cut out the whole time period after the war where sayri, pumpkin, Nobu and the Cairman and the general all ahd like, weekly parties.

I didn't like the fac that thy changed so much of the book, even though I did like how hatsumomo burned down the okiya nstead of being thrown out fo the tea house in the book. It was a lot more heartbreaking. I did feel sorry for her...even though she was cruel.

It was a good movie though. I'm glad I read the book first though...oterwise I wouln't hav understod very much.

Monday, April 24, 2006


Oh man,

I kind of hated the ending.

Like, it was a great book, full of adventure...

nd it ends with her moving to new york and owning a tea shop?

For some reason, it made me sad when she got older, maybe because the book was ending? I alos hated how everything in Gion changed after the war, people started dressing western style, and giesha numbers were decreasing. Giesha started to wear western style makeup and clothing. I didn't like it. It made me feel like we ruined somethign with our western style stuff.

The tea houses replaced with big tall buildings? Why?

I liked the scene, towards the end,when she returns to gion, and she walks around, looking at everything, and remembering things. Like when she passes a bench, where year earlier she and pumpkin sat with bowls of noodles, and pumpkin told her of Hatsumomo's evil scheme,

or where she first met the chairmen, when she was a little girl, crying on the side ofhe road,

or where she met her sister for the last time in an ally to plan thier escape...ect.

And it was sad because you felt like you were remembering things along with her, becuase you had read about them earlier in the book. So that part was bitter sweet.

But I hate that she had to stop being a giesha, and go into hiding,
and that pumpki betrayed her, even though I can see why, and i do feel sorry for her. Why could sayuri and Mother take her back into hier okiya?


Friday, April 14, 2006


I feel badly for Nobu, because instead of him being her danna after all this time, some lowly general comes along and becomes her danna. :(

It also does't seem to me tat the chairman is that inetrested in her, really. he never asks for her. He is kind to her though when he talks to her. So i don't he backing off because of Nobu? I dn't know...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

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